Sunday, July 6, 2014

Pollinators and predators

fritillary on butterfly weed
The butterflies are out now that the rains have passed.  

on the phlox
The vetch that is swallowing up the back garden is abuzz with bumble bees.  
The boys refuse to pull it.    

A pretty hairstreak suns on a potato leaf
Red-spotted purples and red admirals are fluttering through.  
The brown-eyed susans are full of little bees, flies and wasps.

Is this tiny fly fooling anyone with his hymenopteran disguise?
There are thousands of flies in North America -
hundreds of species of green long-legged flies, little metallic predators.  

A bronze colored long-legged fly

Members of two distinct species are patrolling adjacent milkweed plants.

A long-legged fly munching on a midge
For a hundred million years 
(according to the amber)
they have been plying their hunting grounds.


  1. Great blog!

    Here in Western Washington, I have problems with vetch, too. Trying to yank it out before it goes to seed. But, my major nemesis is blackberries. It's a constant battle. But, no fear. There's still enough around the place that I put 12 gallons in the freezer, last year. So far, in the 2 1/2 years I've been here, I haven't had any problem with bees. And, they are around. In variety. I guess we just have a detente. I don't bother them and let them get about their business. They don't bother me. Which is probably hubris. Watch. I'll get stung, tomorrow. :-)

    I read your posts on your trip around America. I don't travel much. Heck, I'm lucky if I make it to town, once a week. But, anytime I run across anyone who has traveled, I always ask "What's it like "out there?" What's going on?" I also read any recent American travel writing I can get from the library.

    Well, the light is fading and it's time to put the chicken in. Lew

  2. I also enjoy watching the life and death struggles among the smaller creatures in my garden. I wish I had more time to sit and observe.
